Lotte Yukimi Daifuku Chocolate and Cookie

Yukimi Daifuku – Chocolate and Cookie

I’m madly in love with these mochi ice cream type treats whether by Lotte or just the ones by 7 Eleven. This new Chocolate & Cookie version is no exception – cute and yummy, you can’t really go wrong! I hope you’ve all had a marvellous weekend. We’re just awaiting the typhoon. At the time…

Yukimi Daifuku aka A Mouthful of Happiness

My fellow foreigner friends have often told me that I’m rather adventurous when it comes to Japanese snacks and confectionery. I would agree with this. Sometimes it has gone very pear shaped but often the result is a happy one. Lotte’s Yukimi Daifuku was the best gamble I ever took! Usually found in vanilla flavour,…