Happy Turn Rare Cheesecake

Happy Turn – Rare Cheesecake

Hello Darlings, I hope you’ve all been doing wonderfully. It’s been rather cold and dreary today, and I’ve just started to binge-watch “How To Get Away With Murder.” I wasn’t hooked from the first episode, but I feel involved now, and will definitely keep watching to see how things pan out. Prince William has been…

Green Tea Happy Turn

Happy Turn Green Tea

The packaging of this seasonal version is quite gorgeous and reflects the 大人の抹茶味 – the adult green tea flavour. I reviewed the concept of Happy Turns, and indeed the snacks themselves here so I won’t talk about them very much in this post, except to say that this version is just as yummy as the previous…

Happy Turn – maple for autumn

ハッピーターン or Happy Turn in plain English, is one of my favourite snacks here in Japan. It’s really hard to describe what it is, but you could say it’s a rice cracker with a special “happy powder” coating (their words, not mine) sprinkled on it. The plain ones are available all year round, but every…