Green Tea Happy Turn

Happy Turn Green Tea

The packaging of this seasonal version is quite gorgeous and reflects the 大人の抹茶味 – the adult green tea flavour. I reviewed the concept of Happy Turns, and indeed the snacks themselves here so I won’t talk about them very much in this post, except to say that this version is just as yummy as the previous…

Royce’ Matcha Ice Dessert

I have been eyeing this temptation for a while now, and finally decided to treat myself. I’ve been craving all things sweet recently, and this was just perfect. Royce’ is a Japanese chocolate manufacturing company based in Sapporo, Hokkaido. It makes a number of chocolate goodies, and also just beautiful chocolate covered crisps – mmmmm.…

Häagen-Dazs Japonais

The latest seasonal offering from Häagen-Dazs Japan is this visually stunning green tea and red bean number. It is smothered with kuromitsu, a Japanese sugar syrup made from unrefined black sugar grown in Okinawa, and has a layer of sweet red bean paste sandwiched between green tea ice cream and good old vanilla ice cream at the…

Matcha McVitie’s

I thought I’d just briefly introduce a Japanified version of a British great. Two mini chocolate flavoured digestive-like biscuits encase a dollop of green tea flavoured icing. Not too sweet, and with just a hint of the taste of bitter green tea, it is a match made in heaven. If you like green tea flavoured…