Etude House Cushion Foundation Reviews

Hey hey Beauty Addicts,

I hope your day has been glorious so far.

Now, I don’t usually like writing about products that don’t work for me, but there seems to be a theme here so I will.

This review will cover the Etude House Any Cushions, both the Precious Mineral BB Cushion and the Any Cushion Cream Filter version.

I really, really wish these cushions worked for me. They are just so snazzy and convenient. Plus they come with built in SPF!

I picked up the the Precious Mineral BB Cushion about two years ago and was so excited to try it, especially after all the reviews I read and the videos I saw on YouTube.

But honestly, I just found that it dried the top layer of my epidermis like a MOFO, and it would flake off after, as if the very life had been drained out of it. The areas around my mouth would also feel so dry. It just really wasn’t for me.

You may wonder why, after such a terrible experience, I bought the new, updated Any Cushion Cream Filter version when it came out. I blame the fact that I was visiting Seoul and that I sometimes make silly decisions, especially when it comes to makeup. I challenge any beauty junkie not to come away from Myeongdong having made the most ridiculous, unnecessary purchases ever.

Anyway, this Cream Filter cushion is no different than its predecessor, except perhaps in the redesigned packaging, which is sleeker and less messy.

The formula is just as drying, heavily fragranced, the coverage is as light, the wear is very short, and it really shows up pores and fine lines (fine, call them wrinkles if you want). I only wear this when I just need to even my skin out a little before heading somewhere for a short time or I’m not likely to meet anyone I know, and I’m even considering just throwing it away it is so bad.

Maybe if you have oily skin this could work for you, but it will suck the life out of dry skin, and also the dry skin areas on those with combination skin.

All in all I really don’t recommend either of these products, and they have made me wary of trying any other cushions, even Lancôme’s sexy version.

If you’ve tried these and they worked for you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Let me know what you think of these cushion foundations and which brands you love.

So much love,



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