Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Crispy Sandwich

This gorgeous creation from Häagen-Dazs Japan as a limited edition winter 2014 flavour is a winner on all counts.

It’s rather like what a Terry’s Chocolate Orange might be in ice cream form.

There’s not much else I can say really, other than that it’s a beautiful, harmonious combination. I also like the concept of the ice cream sandwiches as well, a crispy outer part with the ice cream encased in chocolate in between – yum!

I personally like the combination of chocolate and orange, I think it’s divine, but if you don’t then this might not be for you.

Chuuu xoxo

Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Sandwich Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Sandwich Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Sandwich Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Sandwich Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Sandwich Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Sandwich

7 thoughts on “Häagen-Dazs Chocolat Orange Crispy Sandwich

  1. Me too! Chocolate and orange are great combos! Isn’t there are famous orange chocolate ….. something? I can’t put my finger on it, or remember the name though…

  2. It’s a genius twist, enrobing the ice cream in chocolate apart front the wafer!

    I use to think the orange and chocolate combo was not my cup of tea, and then I made Nutella + orange zest and bergamot croissant and I’m a CONVERT now.

    Weirdly, I never thought of Terry’s as a combination of flavours. They are just, you know, Terry’s Chocolate Oranges. Completely stand alone : D

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