My First Nomination – The Blog Your ♥ Out Award

I was so excited to receive this exciting nomination from the lovely Ginger of

It’s my first nomination ever, so I was completely over the moon to get it! I really feel like I’m part of the blogosphere now.

It’s taken me a while to get round to writing a post about it, so I shall take advantage of the fact that it’s Holiday for People Living in Tokyo Day to do this!


1. What/who encouraged you to start blogging?

I’ve spent so much time looking at food, fashion, and lifestyle blogs and admiring them over the past few years. They’ve made for wonderful reading, been so lovely to look at, provided delicious recipes, and helpful makeup and travel reviews and tips as well. I never ever thought I would be one of them, but one day I just dived in at the deep end, and haven’t looked back since! It has become a real addiction – I’m worried I’ll be dragged off to rehab for it one day.

2. How did you choose what topic(s) to blog about?

I love skincare and makeup, and I get easily obsessed by stuff, and I love wandering around Japan, the country I call home for now, so that’s what I decided to write about.

3. What is something that most people don’t know about you?

Hmmm, I’m not sure. Maybe that though I was born in England, I didn’t actually live until the UK until I was 18.

4. What three words describe your style?
Bright colours, comfortable, big earrings.

5. What do you like to do when you are not blogging?
I love checking out other bloggers’ work, reading, watching movies, and window shopping.

My 5 nominees for the Blog Your Heart Out Award are:

1. Haikugirl’s Japan

2. LoveNiki

3. The Oxford Owl

4. alwaysunpresentable

5. rubyangel711

The rules are as follows: answer the five questions and nominate five other bloggers of your choice.

Good luck!


Baby V  (my friend called me this in a Facebook message the other day, and I liked it, so I’m trying it on for size)

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